1.  Two members per team.
2.  Registration begins at 8.00 am.
3.  Registration closes at 8.30 am.
4.  Preliminary round will be held in at 9.00 am.
5.  6 teams will be selected and finals will be held.
6.  There is no limit on the number of entries from a college.
7.  The students should be bonafide undergraduate MBBS students.
8.  House surgeons/interns/CRRIs are eligible to participate.
9.  Only one team will be selected per college in case more than one team qualify from a    medical college.
10. The management deserves the right to disqualify any team at any moment of the quiz.

Registration fees: Rs 100 per team.

Accomodation can be arranged on prior request.
Lunch will be provided.